
Rebuilding your life,

Can be a real bitch. Thats what I am currently doing. From my last blog in May, is when it all began. Going downhill, ofcourse, I had to hit the bottom of the earth before I relized a damn thing. At first, I thought I had it all under control, but, soon, (not soon enough) I began to see that I (of all the nerve) was not so grounded.

So as it stands, Kyle and I are living with his parents, we are looking for a place right now, or even hopefully have found one. We haven't heard if we got it yet or not. It would be of course, my shit luck (yes, part of which I have created) for it to not work out, then again, I am trying to remain positive. Yep...positive.

And..to add to the mix, I found out a few months back that I have cervical cancer, and still am not sure how far advanced it is. I have an appointment the 15th, (my daughters birthday) to have them further pick at me..I've already had a biopsy, a colosocpy, a euritterage (spelling could be off)..But, they have yet to actually "remove" a damn thing..Although, this type of cancer is more and more common, it still does not take away from the fact that it is still cancer, and with the history of cancer in my family (my mother for starters..nope not living) it's still a bit scary on occassion. I'm dealing..

The lights of my life, the kids..(also the cause of a migrane that won't quit) are doing wonderful. Growing so fast.. My daughter, turning 4, is the smartest child ever..really she is, you may think your child is the smartest..but really, c'mon..

And on that note, Im going to bed.. So I can start the same day over again. By the way, its colder than crap outside, and I told ya, the Colts would win..




Blogger Sandi Go Ahead..

Wow.. this cold weather sucks..

I am so sorry to hear about the cancer.. I am sure you will be fine though! You are right.. think positive girlie!

Your kids are adorable!!!

9:20 PM  
Blogger someonesgirl Go Ahead..

Sandi- Thanx aton..& Yep, perty darn cute ain't they, thou!

5:30 AM  
Blogger ramblings Go Ahead..

Hey Girlie!!
Glad to hear things might be picking up for ya. And the cancer stuff, just be positive bout it, and keep an open mind. Sometimes things work out for the best. It still scares the crap out of me though. I don't want you to have it at all.
Good luck on the partment.
Luv you lots!

7:32 PM  
Blogger someonesgirl Go Ahead..

Love you back!

9:42 AM  

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