
I've got the coolest job...

Well, maybe not the "coolest," but it does have it's advantages. Like tomorrow, I get to eat lunch at the Olive Garden, for free, and be paid for it. We take our residents out to lunch once a month, and ofcourse, I eat free. too cool. My hours are great, my pay is decent, and I don't have to work to hard. I'm pretty blessed. So..anyways, I really need to get some slick shit up on this site, but Im not sure how yet..I thought I was computer smart.hmm. Well, I don't have a scanner, a printer, a web cam, i aint got nothin! Oh, well. Can't have it all, at least not yet.

I've been trying to start an online budget, to maybe help with finances, but, for some reason it wont connect me to the set up part on thier web page, Im havin trouble going to certain sites, prob my lame dial up. I do plan to change that in a bit though. I also downloaded Napster, but it wont let me register..stupid crap. Okay, welp Im gonna try and do something neat, and put some junk up on here..later folks.



Sick again!

I am so prone to sickness, it just kills me (literaly). Friday at work I started having these pains between my chest and my stomach. By the time I got home, they were getting worse, by around 9pm I was crying so bad from the pain, I sware it felt like I was having contractions, thats how bad they were. So my sister took me to the er, turns out I had an Intestinal Virus. I had to have an i.v cause I was so deyhdriated. But, Im doin better now, I'm mostly just tired.
What really bothers me, is Kyle has no bedside manner at all. I'm crying on the couch from the pain, and do you think he even looked my way? I mean, no, there wasn't much he could have done for me, but you would think he would say, Baby, is there anything I can do? Maybe you should go to the er. (er was my call). I got nothing. I just don't know about that guy sometimes. Anywho, I was feeling better enough to put up our x-mas tree. It looks like shit though. I only have 2sets of lights on it, the others were burnt out. I'll have to get some more. So it looks alittle dull. OhWell. Okay, well, I need to finish up a few things, so BBL.



I'm missing one sister....

That's me on the end (stripes). I'm missing my sis Jenny though, you can see her at http:/getrite2it.blogspot.com. It's a pretty slick place, she had pic's of my kid's and K as well :)


By the way..

the saint. thank you, i am feeling better :)


Happy Thanksgiving....

.....or not if you don't happen to celebrate it, or something. Anywho, so today was alright. It was just the immedite family at K's. (kyle..get it?) I played Texas Hold'em and did pretty good for myself. Just beginners luck i'm sure, but I won none-the-less.
I was going to put up the tree tonight, but changed my mine. I think I need some new Christmas decor', and I thought I would wait till the weekend. I'd be up all night, dealing with the damn thing, and I have to work in the morning. Okie-Dokie, Im gonna go. I need a late night snack, and then I guess I'll get myself 2bed. :) later kids.



Long time no write

I was sadly, very sick the past few days. Had to miss work on Monday. Although, I would have been better off at work, It's a little hard to rest with my kids. I have found that I will not be very faithful to this site, I just get caught up in other things. Thats alright though, cuz it's just me in here anyway.

Funny thing. I showed a movie for my residents the yesterday, I about died. It was good until, one part Steve Martin finally reaches his tolerance level in Trains, Planes and Automobiles and just goes off saying Fuck about a million times..yeah, a few of my elderly left after that outburst. I felt bad. Alright, well..I already have to stop talking so I can put the kids to bed, and Kyle wants to play a poker game, so I'll chat at cha' later.




I dread Sundays. It is only a reminder that Monday is next, and Sundays have a bad habbit of going by especially fast. (ofcourse). Today, I have the pleasure of watching Kyles nieces. Ages 5 & 3 plus our own..it is well deserved though, since she had ours from noon yesterday to this morning. I had to work and Kyle wanted to go and watch the Buckeyes play with some friends of his. Then we went to play cards. Lotsa fun. My house is such a mess. I'm so lazy today, so the kids have just got this place destroyed. My throat hurts, I need to do laundry. aghh, oh, the complaints I have. I don't have to work until 1:00 tomorrow, so I'm
smiling over that. uh-oh, emergency, kids are killing each other..I shall report back with any injuries...good day all.



Leave it to me..to forget my username...But, found it. So, I think it may have been a sign- time to give it a break for awhile, I've just been glued to this darn thing all day. Oh-well. Night.


Just for a day

I love my kids....However, for just a little while I would love to have one day at home, with a little less noise. I get my nights out and what not, but still, not the same as just chilling at your house, without a soul to disturb you...for as I'm writting, I am being tugged at, and talked to non-stop...about who even knows what really..I can at least say, when I have bad days, It's most often myself I'm ready to kill..not the kids...so thats a comforting thought, huh?
oh, and its only 4pm and I have started on a beer...
What's that saying..."It's five o'clock somewhere."
Yep, always at my house


Okay, so..

It's my day off..I work with seniors all day in an Assisted Living Facility. I love my job, could not ask for a better one..So, I'm at home with my two kids..ages 1 1/2 & 2 1/2.. after running a few errands today, (which of course is fun with 2 little ones) Always a 30 minute trip, turns into a 2 hour...I had to get some pic's developed today, from a party my other half and I went too, come to find out, not my pic's after all, my camera apparently got switched with someone else's. But, I did have some lovely photo's of a huge masterbation device being stuck down another gals shirt...oh, yes, always something interesting happening at one of our parties..We don't have them as much though..sad.

Kids are up from their nap..time flys. My daughter the oldest, is really quite funny, nap time isn't her favorite activity, she lays in her bed and makes plans in her head, on how she could somehow delay the nap time experience..she has to pee (12 times in a row), needs a drink, needs her "boo boo" kissed from days ago..by the time she's finished its time to go to bed...


Gotta start somewhere...........

Well, I had to take a run through everyone elses blogs before I started my own..I had no idea where to start, or even if anyone would find anything I had to say interesting enough to stick around..then I decided I didn't even care. I hear that this stuff is good for just talking about your day, and having the feeling that your getting shit of your chest..So, I'll do just that.
