

Alright, Well, It's been awhile. Busy, Busy.. as they say. Really, I just haven't gotten a chance to get to a computer yet.

So what's new? Welp, Not much really. I've been at home with the kids everysingleday for the last, o, I dunno. Lifetime. So it feels anyway. Don't get me wrong, I love being at home with them, but I think I'd like to get out there and work again. It's hard to work around K's schedule and we only have one car at the time, although we could get another one, if he would just go out and start looking..

Anywho, not much else going on. Jaxon just had his 3rd birthday. And I just had my 26th birthday. Dang. It all seems to be just flying by.

Yesterday, ofcourse was Mother's Day. It was a nice day, but I found myself thinking about my mom. I don't think about her as much as I used to, and I felt like I was having a hard time remembering things about her. I should have went to her grave, but I never did. Its only her grave, her spirit isn't there.

Anyhow, enuff of that. I'm going to close for now. I still need to take some pics, which I will get around too someday, so get off my back!! ")

till then: peaceout



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