
I know that I have been neglecting my blog life lately, and for that I am sorry. I just seem to be either to busy or to lazy to post. So, I will do my best to make up for it, in this mear lousey thing you call writing. ..don't hold your breath though.

***A few days later,

So, its taken me for ever to post this blog. I started it on Saturday, and now it's Monday night. (yes, just one paragraph) As it was, I was posting about my sister coming into town. Which, by the way, we had a marvelous time. Then she popped over w/her friend, who was very sweet. And then I got side tracked. But, it was still here. So, I just picked up where I left off.

Kyle left for Lousianna last night. His cousin & him were driving thier to help build. It was supposed to be for 2 weeks and be some good money. They were going to stay at a camp ground. We had some really awsome love goin on before he left. He was so sincere with me, saying how much he would miss me. (he's not too solid on showing affection) And, he wasn't gonna see Hayven for another week. I really didn't think that I would be so upset. But, I was. I just really felt sick to my stomach when he was leaving. The crazy thing is, is that tonight, I was waiting for him to call, and I was like, come on, hurry, Im dying. And then he calls, and he says that they have been looking since noon, and could not find one place to stay. And let me tell you he is not sounding like he is in a good mood, AT ALL!

Don't get me wrong. I would prolly be agravated as all hell, if I drove all that way, and couldn't do what I planned. But, all I heard was, 'I hafta come home, fuck!' He didn't say it, but I felt it. I also think I have a habit of hearing things that arn't really thier. If y'all knew him, like me though, somtimes he comes accross alittle different then he really is. So, I have to remind myself, that he's just upset about the drive, and that he hasnt slept for 34 hours.

Gotta pee, hold on.

Mkay, all done. Anywho. Im gonna post some pictures now. None that really mean anything, but I just felt like putting on here. Just some nonsence. Some shit to look at.

Peace OUt.....

Mkay, never mind I guess. It's being alittle bit of a bitch, and not letting me post my pic's...too bad too, cause they were good. I'll try later. Peace out...AGAIN!







Mkay, no time to talk..got pic's to show..so deal!

*********************Her Birthday party at her Aunts house in Florida*******************



She's havin fun...

Yep, my baby is having a wonderful time without her mama. I am doing mucha better. I haven't posted for awhile, but that's just cuz I have been very lazy.

I was supposed to go to this toy party tonight, that one of the girls from work was having. But Im even to lazy to go to that. I dunno, I just don't feel like getting all dressed again. And going and spending the money, on dildos that I won't even use. (Ima do it myself, kinda girl, without equipment) Not that I wouldn't or couldn't enjoy myself with one. But'cha know what I mean...

So hows things out there with everyone? Good...real good. Glad to hear it. So....

Mkay. That's all I really have for ya. I know, I am ever so lame..Give me a chance to get drunk, and the we'll see what happens???



Forget a River, Cry me an Ocean or Something!!!!

I think that's what I might do. I'm tellin u guys, I just don't know what to do with myself. The lift off went good. She was so excited to get on the plane. She kept saying, "Love you, mommy. See you in alittle bit, okay." I was just, like aghhh!! No, more like 3weeks baby. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT, This is what happens when relastionships don't work out and there is a child involved. Sadly, she has to travel far. At least it isn't often. But then again, maybe it would be easier that way...I don't know. I just know that Im a mess. I have Jaxon, and Im thrilled. But, I don't like to send my baby girl away for so long. IT'S JUST ME!! B/c she is going to have so much fun. I should be happy for her, and I am. They have a ton of stuff planned to do. It's just sad for me.

Alright ya'll I need to give it a rest. I know I will feel better as the days pass, and that hopefully before I know it, she will be back home with me, driving me nuts, and making an obscene amount of messes. Which I will be excited as hell to contend with!

For now, Im going to search around and find something to post that will not be quite as depressing.

Peace Out.



It's a sad, sad, day...

Welp, ya'll, today's the day.. I have to pick the ex up at the airport. His plane comes in at 2:43. Then we will drive back, get his hotel room and it will begin. He's gonna be pissed, cuz I've invited everyone and their brother to come to the hotel and swim. Then I take them to the airport tomorrow & the plane leaves at like 12:40. And then, she's gone. My baby girl will be gone for 3 whole long ugly weeks!!! Aghhh...Sigh....

I plan to keep busy and get drunk alot. Mkay, maybe not alot, but I'm gonna have a few good nights. It's going to be so odd, just having Jaxon in the house. It will be so quite. But, atleast I still have him. These are times that Im glad we had another baby. Not that he's a baby anymore, damn, that kid is just growing before my eyes at the speed of light. Did I tell ya'll about him fallin out of his crib? I don't think i did. But let me tell you..It was scary. He had so much blood, b/c he hit his head on a toy oven. They gave him that Derma Bond stich stuff, and he has been so good about not touching it. That's my boy!

Alright. Well, I reckon it's about that time to start getting ready. Im dreading this guys, I really am. But, I will survive. So, Im told.

Peace Out...



Okay, Funny story for ya. My sister Gina had a superbowl party, good for her, her team won. Steeler Central in that house. Anywho. A friend of ours who just recently got out of a bad relastionship, ended up meeting a guy about a week ago, and invited him to the party. Very nice guy it seems but only time will tell I guess.

Soo, in the midst of the game, ready...okay, one of her teeth fell out!! Yes, just fell the fuck out. So, she's tryin to hide it from this guy and runs back to the bathroom.
Mkay, so the actual funny part?? I go back to the bathroom to check things out.. And what the hell do I see? My sister is fuckin super glueing her tooth back into her gums!!! I about died!! Even funnier though, is that she had to super glue it two other times after that to make it stay in!!! OMG, it was just hilarious.

We spent so much time running back into the bathroom, that her guy started to ask what the deal was. Well, she obviously didn't want to share that info with him just yet. Sometimes, a missing tooth can be turnoff I guess? So then he starts to wonder when she doesn't tell him. Come to find out, he thought we were back there doing drugs!! Apparently he's not into that kinda recreational fun. But whatever...

So, thats my story. Not much else going on. I haven't talked to the ex, so Im assuming he isn't going to protest about giving him money. Then again, I know him, so it will come up again. Hayven leaves for Florida on Sunday, for 3 weeks. Im looking forward to some silence on the whining situation. But Im gonna be in pieces without her, I know it.

Alrighty, well, Im gonna end this here. Im off tomorrow, so I should be back around at some point. Time to put the kids to bed and cook some dinner.
....Peace Out



What a Trainwreck!

Will someone please tell me what in the world of fuck is awrong with some people?

Take this. Let me tell you this brief story and please TELL ME IF IM WRONG!
My ex-husband and I agreed to take turns each year claiming our daughter. One who mind you, pays childsupport, but doesn't see her very often.Often meaning she's turning three the 15th and he has seen her I think 3 times. Now, it isn't neccesarley his fault, b'/c he lives far away. However.. I was told that while he can claim her as his dependent, since she didn't live with him at all, he can't claim her as earned income. Mind you, this is all junk I didn't relize. So, I claimed her as earned income. Not as a dependent though.

Needless to say, he was PISSED! Apparently I was supposed to lie and say that she did infact live with him. That people do it all the time. And thats what I agreed to. WAIT! UP! I mean really??? How in the living hell is that fair?? I mean, Im not trying to be a bitch. I swear. I could maybe see it, like if he lived in the same town, and he got her like every weekend or everyother whatever.Therefore, contributing more financially for her. But, he doesn't. Therefore Kyle and I are her main providers. So why should he get that money? I mean I just don't understand? Am I wrong, is it wrong that I don't think he should get that? So, now he wants me to give him some. And I don't want to fuck em over, that wasn't my intention. He had plans for that extra cash. But I had plans too. And considering that I never knew much about this shit, I'm feeling kinda like..I worked hard for that money. I worked hard taking care of her. (I luv her, but she is a wild one) I don't want to have hard feelings about it. But I guess I just don't see it the same way.

So there's your cue..what do y'all think? Should I give him money? Or is it rightfuly mine?
