

Sorry again for posting so far and few in between. Life has been a crap shit lately.

Guess who's back in Jail? Never guess? Can you? Okay, it's Kyle,. BUT first! I don't think that everyone knew about the first time, huh? Part of that whole shitty year I went through. So, let me tell you.

Around last July, I was running around with this clan, and in this clan was a certain guy that I fell for and with that decided that I deserved better than what Kyle had to give me. One particular day, the kids and I were getting ready to leave the house and go 'mudd'n' (as its called) Well, long story short, Kyle totally flipped out (he started long before to start showing signs that the elevator didn't go to the top floor, if you know what I mean..)

Anywho..he wouldn't let me leave, and when I say he wouldn't let me leave, I mean he physically wouldn't let me go. He even locked me in our room at one point. When I tried to call for help he cut the phone cord. It was straight out of a lifetime movie, he had lost his mind. My niegbor could hear me screaming next door, so, she comes over with a baseball bat, and then calls the cops. It was crazy. So, he goes to jail, does 30 days for Domestic Violence and gets probation.

Well, last week, he goes and gets trashed and gets picked up for probabtion violation, and has to do 20 days...Oh, Joy!! He at least got work release so he go to work, and it really could have been worse, he could have gotten 150 days, and he would have prolly, if I had disclosed more of the events that transpired that evening.

So, thats whats new for me. I still need to get some pics on here. And I will. Some day.

Alright, gotta run..




Blogger Balls Go Ahead..

Happy easter. sorry to hear abt kyle but hey i am sure you'll have a better life ahead.

4:29 AM  

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